View the interactive Camp Grayling expansion map on the DNR website
The Michigan National Guard is trying to expand its footprint on public lands at Camp Grayling in Northern Michigan. Camp Grayling has asked the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to lease without charge 162,000 acres - more than 250 square miles - of state forest land for electronic and cyber warfare training exercises, more than doubling its footprint.
The expansion raises a host of concerns among residents and recreation users. In a statement, the Anglers of the Au Sable called this lease of land “a massive transfer from the DNR, introducing new uses and pressures to these fragile watersheds.” Sierra Club shares many of the serious issues raised by the public which is why we officially came out in opposition to the proposed expansion.
Michigan’s state forests are precious resources under strain. Human overuse, climate change, invasive species brought from around the world – these challenges and more threaten not just individual native species but the web of life in our forests, the biodiversity that all species, including humans, depend upon.
The expansion endandangers animal species, conservation areas, important waterways and areas crucial to wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts. Furthermore, Camp Grayling has made no effort to demonstrate any necessity for the expansion.
Right now, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is reviewing the proposal for the expansion of DNR-leased lands and is currently taking public comment. We need you to take action and send a message to the DNR asking them to deny the proposed expansion.