Line 5, Huron River, Primary Election results - Michigan Chapter Update - 8.21.22


Sierra Club Michigan Chapter

Michigan Chapter Update

August 21, 2022

In This Edition:
  • Sierra Club Joins Calls for Action to Prevent Future Disasters Like Tribar Illegal Discharge
  • Take Action on Line 5 Tunnel Proposal
  • Join the Clean Energy Sentinels
  • Michigan Voters Supported Pro-Environment Champions in the Primary
  • Join the Sierra Club Social Media Swarm
  • Photo Contest Winner and Call for New Submissions
  • Youth Group Raises Funds for Michigan Chapter
  • Go Solar With Sierra Club Solar Partnerships
  • Donate a Vehicle to Support the Michigan Chapter
  • Explore and Enjoy: Michigan's Fall Migrations
Support the Sierra Club Michigan Chapter!
photo credit: Sara Nelson
From the editors: We are modifying the format for the Michigan Chapter Update to make it easier for our readers to use. Below are brief summaries of each story, with full articles posted on our blog at the links provided. Let us know your thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the Update:
Crossroads Group Sierra Club members prepare for a rally protesting the illegal Tribar Manufacturing discharge in Wixom. Photos by Lee Burton.
Groups Demand Action on Tribar Discharge: The no-contact advisory for the Huron River following the illegal discharge of a highly carcinogenic chemical by Tribar Manufacturing has been lifted. Sierra Club joined elected officials and environmental partners to demand action to prevent this from ever happening again, as well as to support local businesses harmed by the contamination. Read more here.
Oil and Water Don't Mix rally on Mackinac Island, June 2019. Photo courtesy of Oil and Water Don't Mix.
Take Action on Line 5: The Army Corps of Engineers has opened the comment period on what should be considered in the environmental review of Enbridge’s proposed Line 5 tunnel permit. Comments will be accepted until October 14. Read more here.
Wind turbines and solar arrays are among the key clean energy options Michigan needs(l). Grand Rapids ribbon cutting on solar panels (r). Photos by Jan O'Connell.
Join the Clean Energy Sentinels: Become an advocate for clean energy in your community. Clean Energy Sentinels are trained through webinars and materials on how to effectively advocate to move off fossil fuels. Find out more and sign up at the button below. 
Sierra Club Clean Energy Sentinels
Michigan Chapter Political Training, 2016. File photo.

Michigan Voters Supported Pro-Environment Champions in the Primary: Get the rundown on the Michigan Chapter's winning record across the state in this critical election year. Read about the election here.
Join the Sierra Club Social Media Swarm: Help us inform the public about all the amazing work happening at the Michigan Chapter, as well as the important policy fights we are in.  Click here to get the buzz and sign up!
Barred owl photograph by Sara Nelson, August 2022 photo contest winner.
August Photo Contest Winner: Thank you to everyone who voted in our first monthly photo contest! It was close but we have our first winner. Congratulations to Sara Nelson for her amazing photograph: "A stump near our property is home to these owls every year. We are lucky to see them!"

September Contest Underway: The Michigan Chapter photo contest continues this month. The winner will not only be highlighted on Michigan Chapter social media and featured in the Chapter update. The winner will also receive some Sierra Club swag. Find details for the September contest here. Submission deadline is August 31.
Tim Minotas (center) accepts a donation from members of the Gen Z 4 Green student group members (l to r) Valentina Matteocci, Lindsey Gleason, Kaci Andrews and Emma Lalonde. Sierra Club photo.
Youth Group Raises Funds for Michigan Chapter: The student group Gen Z 4 Green collected thousands of returnable containers to raise $730 for the Sierra Club. Learn more about their effort here.
Go Solar with Sierra Club Solar Partnerships!
Donate a vehicle to support the Michigan Chapter!
Donate a Vehicle to Support the Work of Michigan Sierra Club: Every step of donating used vehicles is handled quickly and easily. Find out more here. Contact with questions.
Sandhill cranes (l), Michigan Chapter file photo. Monarch butterfly on purple cone flower (r), photo by Anne Woiwode.
Explore and Enjoy: Michigan's Fall Migrations: Fall migration is one of nature’s magnificent gifts to Michiganders. From monarch butterflies to songbirds and raptors, make plans now to track amazing migrations this fall. Learn more about fall migrations here.
Donate to the Michigan Chapter

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