Join the Clean Energy Sentinels

“Never depend upon institutions or government to solve problems. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals.” - Margaret Mead   


Wind turbines and solar arrays are among the key clean energy options Michigan needs (left). Grand Rapids ribbon cutting on solar panels (right). Photos by Jan O'Connel

Do you want to help Michiganders quickly and successfully move away from fossil fuels to clean energy so our state can continue the fight against climate change?  To make progress happen, people like you from all across Michigan need to join efforts to promote and support clean energy projects.

The Michigan Chapter is calling on members and supporters like you to join this effort because we know there are a number of challenges, including too often a lack of understanding about how this transfer of ‘power’ works. Clean Energy Sentinels will be provided materials and receive training and information through webinars and in person presentations to get you up to speed and ready to help bring this critical transition about.

Sierra Club volunteers, members and supporters who are interested in learning more about how to become a Clean Energy Sentinel can contact the leaders of the process below based on your location.  

There are various activities you can be involved in, including some right from your own home. Small acts add up!  Volunteering to become a Clean Energy Sentinel can fit in with your time constraints and talents because the Michigan Chapter works at many levels to fight global warming. Join this important effort today!




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