Sierra Club makes endorsement for Governor

January 21, 2014

Contact: Josh Tulkin, Sierra Club, 301-244-9405, md-josh[@]

The Sierra Club, Maryland Chapter is proud to announce its endorsement of Delegate Heather Mizeur in the Maryland Gubernatorial election. The organization offered this statement.
“Heather Mizeur’s principled stand against converting the Cove Point LNG import facility to an export facility was a strong factor in our decision to endorse her.  She reflects the Sierra Club’s concern that exporting natural gas will raise energy prices domestically and incentivize an increase in the dangerous practice of fracking,” said Betsy Johnson, Political Chair of the Maryland Chapter. 
As a delegate from Montgomery County’s District 20, Mizeur consistently demonstrated that she has the values, integrity, and dedication to promote and defend environmental causes. Mizeur authored legislation to put a moratorium on fracking until the state can prove it can be done safely, and has helped to pass legislation protecting Maryland’s landowners from water contamination due to fracking.
"The Maryland Sierra Club recognizes the need for a strong and healthy economy, and believes this can happen alongside high environmental standards. As a fifth generation farmer, small business owner, and environmentalist, Heather Mizeur has the necessary background and understanding to bring together different groups to achieve results for Maryland’s economy and environment. She was an early sponsor of efforts to increase the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to create clean energy jobs and reduce pollution, a strong supporter of offshore wind development, and a leader in the effort to streamline Maryland’s composting regulations," said Josh Tulkin, Director of the Maryland Chapter.
Mizeur has also been willing to fearlessly support environmental positions opposed by special interests. In her first term she opposed the environmentally damaging and wasteful multi-billion dollar Intercounty Connector highway and instead supported funding for mass transit projects such as the Purple Line, Red Line, and Corridor Cities Transitway. In the 2013 General Assembly session, she stood with nearly two dozen environmental groups and led the floor fight to oppose efforts to weaken Bay agricultural runoff rules, known as ‘agricultural certainty’. 
“With Governor Mizeur at the helm we will have an administration that will serve its citizens first by placing environmental protection and healthy communities over corporate interests,” said Dave O’Leary, Chair of the Chapter Conservation Committee.