News Flash! Sierra Club's Maryland Chapter Makes Endorsement for Attorney General!

December 19, 2013:

Today the Sierra Club's Maryland Chapter bestowed upon Senator Brian Frosh its endorsement for Attorney General of Maryland. “Brian Frosh has been an environmental champion in the state legislature for as long as he has served and we are proud to endorse him,” said Betsy Johnson, Political Chair of the Maryland Chapter. Frosh, Senator from Montgomery County’s District 16, has authored such laws as the Maryland Recycling Act, the ban on drilling for oil or gas in the Chesapeake Bay, and the Maryland Brownfields Redevelopment Act, as well as numerous energy conservation laws, Clean Cars legislation and more. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle because he knows how to build bipartisan support without damaging relationships or subverting his own passion for environmental protection. “These are the qualities that will help make him an outstanding Attorney General,” Johnson said. “We look forward to a fruitful relationship with our next Attorney General, Brian Frosh.”

If you would like to get involved politically, Brian Frosh’s race would be a great place to start. Contact Betsy Johnson at 240-461-1402 for more information.