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Miho Aida Speaks in Support of ANWR and the Gwich'in People
July 19, 2017
Only a couple weeks later, I found myself back in Kate Simson Norfleet’s office, this time with Glen Brand, the Sierra Club Maine Chapter director, and Miho Aida, an environmental activist and filmmaker who directed the documentary “The Sacred...
Maine Environmental Youth Call Senator Collins to Action
July 19, 2017
Strolling out of One Canal Plaza into Portland’s bustling downtown, I felt a stirring of power, as if I truly fit in with the harried businessmen and women sweating it out in their jackets and heels, hurrying to attend to something assuredly...
Sierra Club Maine Resists Extra Fee for Electric, Hybrid Cars
April 25, 2017
Sierra Club Maine has made a case against what it is calling a proposal to implement "unreasonable and punitive" registration fees of $250 or $300 for owners of electric and hybrid vehicles. State lawmakers have proposed the extra charge as a way...
The True Costs of Single-Use Plastic Bags
April 5, 2017
Olin Jenner, an executive committe member of Sierra Club Maine, beseeched Maine legislators to phase out the use of plastic bags, which waste energy, pollute our environment, damage our oceans, and kill wildlife.
Addressing Sea Level Rise and Increased Storm Surges
April 5, 2017
Executive committe member Olin Jenner recently gave testimony on behalf of Sierra Club to urge Maine's legislators to take more action to address sea level rise and increased storm surges. Sierra Club supports LD 469.
Maine Needs to Protect Casco Bay from Oil Spills
April 5, 2017
Sierra Club Executive Committee member Olin Jenner recently gave testimony at the Maine Legislature in support of LD 450: An act to prevent oil spills in Casco Bay.
Brunswick Joins Growing List of Maine Towns Banning Plastic Bags
April 4, 2017
When Brunswick Town Councilors passed an ordinance last month banning single-use plastic bags — eight in favor, one opposed — the town joined Falmouth, Freeport, Kennebunk, Portland, South Portland, Topsham and York in getting rid of local use...
Sierra Club Fights to Protect Maine Water
April 3, 2017
Tony Donovan, chair of Sierra Club's Maine chapter, spoke at a Maine Legislature public hearing on March 22 in support of LD 422, which will create a Maine water trust to regulate and protect the state's water supply and to ensure the quality...
Now is Time to Act to Expand Solar Industry in Maine
March 24, 2017
Sierra Club Maine is collaborating closely with environmental organizations and solar companies across the state to ensure Maine does not go backward on solar energy. Right now is a critical moment for solar energy in Maine. The state’s...
Scott Pruitt Runs the EPA. Now What?
March 22, 2017
Environmental activists have not hit an insurmountable obstacle with the selection of climate-change denier Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. There are other areas environmentalists can and should focus on, and reasons to...