Testimony in Support of LD 1611: An Act to Create the Pine Tree Power Company, a Nonprofit, Customer-owned Utility


To: Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology

From:   Ania Wright, Legislative and Political Specialist, Sierra Club Maine

Date: 5/4/2023

Re: Testimony in Support of LD 1611: An Act to Create the Pine Tree Power Company, a Nonprofit, Customer-owned Utility


Senator Lawrence, Representative Ziegler, and members of the Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology, my name is Ania Wright, and I am testifying on behalf of Sierra Club Maine, representing over 22,000 supporters and members statewide. Founded in 1892, Sierra Club is one of our nation’s oldest and largest environmental organizations. We work diligently to amplify the power of our 3.8 million members nation-wide as we work towards combating climate change and promoting a just and sustainable economy. To that end, we urge you to vote ‘ought to pass’ on L.D. 1611.


This is our chance to send a critical question to voters. The grid is the foundation of our clean energy future. To decarbonize, we must electrify everything, including transportation, buildings, and industry, which make up 93% of Maine’s carbon emissions. This will at least triple our reliance on the grid. Maine has opportunities in the transition, and quicksand to avoid. We must not fail. Our success depends both on affordable capital and on planning for people, not profits. All six US communities to have reached 100% renewables already are powered by consumer-owned utilities. 


Where CMP and Versant have actively worked to inhibit progress to a renewable energy future, the Pine Tree Power Company will accelerate Maine’s use of clean and green energy. Community initiatives from broadband to solar would have a partner, not an adversary. Utility payments to communities would continue, based on current and future valuation and mill rates. Our grid would return to local control -- run by Maine people and for Maine people.


Local volunteers, including dedicated Sierra Club members, worked tirelessly over the past year to gather signatures for this initiative. The people of Maine deserve to have their voices heard on this issue. Please take a step towards sending L.D. 1611 to the voters by voting ‘ought to pass’ on L.D. 1611. Thank you for your time and consideration. 



Ania Wright 

Legislative & Political Specialist 

Sierra Club Maine Chapter

https://www.sierraclub.org/ready-for-100 (Kodiak AK, Greensburg KS, Burlington VT, Aspen CO, Georgetown TX, Rock Port MO)