Sierra Club’s Council of Club Leaders by Becky Bartovics, Volunteer Leader

The Sierra Club’s Council of Club Leaders are tasked with serving as liaisons between the Sierra Club Board of Directors and the 64 Chapters across the county. Made up of Chapter representatives and their alternates, they meet annually with Sierra Club national staff and leadership to learn about current Club issues, elect new Council leadership, and decide on resolutions derived from Chapter initiatives that impact national Sierra Club policy. As the Maine Chapter’s representative I attended the Council of Club Leaders meeting one weekend in September. It was a great opportunity to find out more about the Club and engage with others across the country. 

Normally we meet with the Board of Directors one weekend in California. This is the second year we have met for four days by Zoom. While it is an imperfect way to gather, it certainly is exciting to engage with activists across the country and to hear about other Chapter initiatives. This year we examined resolutions that covered thirteen issues. You can find the complete roster of resolutions here.

One of the most engaging opportunities for members are the many Grassroots Network teams. Members are welcome to join these networks to participate on the following topics:

  • Air
  • Borderlands
  • Building Healthy Communities
  • California/Nevada Regional
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Climate Emergency Mobilization
  • Columbia River
  • Food & Agriculture
  • Forests & Climate
  • Grassroot Network Support
  • Grazing
  • Marine
  • Mississippi River
  • Missouri River
  • National Parks & Monuments
  • National Utah Wilderness
  • Nuclear Free
  • Recreation Issues
  • Stop Clearcutting California
  • Stop Nuclear Weapons
  • Toxics
  • Wastewater Residuals
  • Water Sentinels
  • Wildlands and Wilderness
  • Wildlife & Endangered Species
  • Zero Waste

We are looking for new members of the Council of Club Leaders team. Interested? Let us know by emailing us at