Testimony in Opposition of LD 101

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To: Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology

From: David Gibson, Sierra Club Maine

Date: May 4, 2021

Re: Testimony in Opposition of LD 101: An Act To Prohibit Offshore Wind Energy Development

Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and members of the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology: my name is David Gibson, and I am a resident of Morrill. I am representing Sierra Club Maine and our 22,000 supporters and members across the state. We voice our opposition to this legislation: LD 101 An Act To Prohibit Offshore Wind Energy Development.

I am a Certified Energy Manager and LEED Accredited Professional for Building Design and Construction through the US Green Building Council. I have more than a decade of experience leading eciency and clean energy projects, including 3 years designing rooftop solar and air source heat pump systems for homes and businesses in Maine.

Maine currently spends more than $4 billion each year importing coal, oil, and gas from outside the state. This is an incredible drain on our economy. It is essential that we develop the capacity to produce all our energy in the state with clean energy resources. Transitioning to local renewable energy will create jobs, recirculate money in our local economy, and reduce Maine’s contributions to climate change.

Offshore wind will be essential to provide clean electricity to power our homes, transportation and businesses. Offshore wind can be developed responsibly, without overly impacting fisheries. Sierra Club Maine strongly opposes LD 101.

We ask the committee to vote LD 101 Ought Not to Pass.