Testimony in Support of LD 1350

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To: Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology

From: Matt Cannon, Sierra Club Maine

Date: April 19, 2021

Re: Testimony in Support of LD 1350- An Act To Expand Maine's Clean Energy Economy

Senator Lawrence, Representative Berry, and Members of the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology, I write on behalf of Sierra Club Maine’s over 22,000 members and supporters. Founded in 1892, Sierra Club is one of our nation’s oldest and largest environmental organizations. We work diligently to amplify the power of our 3.8 million members nation-wide as we defend everyone's right to a healthy world. We support LD 1350 to amend the State’s renewable portfolio standard procurement law, with the proposed amendment from the Nature Conservancy.

As Maine moves towards a renewable energy future, more and more Class 1A resources will be needed. Preference should be given to low income areas, and there should be preference to viable projects, as there are currently projects that will not be developed that are holding up the line.

Most importantly, we think proper siting needs to be considered in the procurement process, not only for interconnection cost reduction, but for environmental impact. We support our friends’ amendment to LD 1350: to direct the PUC to incorporate site location into its bid evaluation criteria and give additional weight to projects that have less impact on Maine’s natural resources. Critically, prime agricultural lands would be less likely to be developed. This amendment would ensure that while we continue to build the grid of the future, we also protect Maine’s woods, waters, and wildlife.

We urge you to vote ought-to-pass on LD 1350 with the Nature Conservancy’s amendment.

Respectfully, Matt Cannon

Campaign & Policy Associate Director

Sierra Club Maine