Testimony in Support of LD 940

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To: Committee on Environment and Natural Resources

From: David Gibson, Sierra Club Maine

Date: March 26, 2021

Re: Testimony in Support of LD 940: An Act To Establish Appliance Energy and Water Standards

Senator Brenner, Representative Tucker, and members of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources: my name is David Gibson, and I am a resident of Morrill, and a Certified Energy Manager and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional for Building Design and Construction. I am representing Sierra Club Maine and our 22,000 supporters and members across the state. We voice our support for this legislation: LD 940 An Act To Establish Appliance Energy and Water Standards

I have more than 10 years of experience with energy efficiency and resource conservation, including two years leading the implementation of efficiency programs for the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy, three years working for ReVision Energy, and five years years leading efficiency programs for the non-profit Envirolution in Reno. With Envirolution, I led classroom lessons and developed curriculum specifically to teach middle and high school students about energy efficiency in their homes.

Improving the efficiency of appliances is a critical step for reducing household energy and water usage and utility costs. Simple steps like replacing incandescent light bulbs with LEDs or replacing old showerheads with new high efficiency models can save families $20+ every month. Larger appliances like refrigerators can offer significantly larger savings. Many of these appliances are replaced rarely, less than once per decade in a typical home, so requiring enhanced efficiency standards for new models sold is a highly effective way to achieve energy savings over the longer term. Sierra Club Maine wholeheartedly supports this bill.

However, we would also recommend that the committee consider amending this bill to extend new efficiency requirements to water heating and home heating appliances as well. Inefficient water heaters, boilers and furnaces add hundreds of dollars a year to home utility costs, and offer even greater energy and cost savings through enhanced efficiency standards.

We would encourage the legislation to require all fossil-fuel-powered (heating oil, natural gas, propane, kerosene, etc) water heaters, furnaces, boilers, and space heaters sold in the state to achieve at least 95% combustion efficiency when the bill takes effect on January 1, 2023. We would further recommend phasing out the sale of these combustion water heaters, furnaces, boilers, and space heaters by 2030 at the latest, to encourage the transition to even more efficient electric heat pump options.

Adding these provisions will significantly increase the energy savings achieved by this legislation, and accrue significant fuel savings for households throughout the state.

Thank you for considering our recommendations. Thank you Representative Pluecker for bringing this legislation forward. We ask the committee to vote LD 940 Ought to Pass.

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