Interning with Sierra Club Maine
by Haley Plante
I’ve always wished I could say that I’m a Mainer, born and raised, but I was actually born in New Hampshire. Still, I try to make that claim, and consider myself a native since I’ve lived here for 80% of my life and my family is from Maine. I really began appreciating my home state once I went out of state to college. After the first semester of my freshman year, I was bound and determined to find something to do during the summer months not only to enjoy everything Maine has to offer, but also to do my part to protect Maine’s environment.
This summer I was fortunate to work in the Maine Chapter office with Glen and Jeanine as well as numerous volunteers. After working with the Portland Climate Action Team (CAT) and the CAT Advisory Board I think Maine’s environment is in pretty good hands. These are people from all around the state who work tirelessly on local and statewide issues, truly knowing that their efforts will make a difference. Even with all of the challenges they have faced—local politics, lack of public support, waning community enthusiasm in the face of adversity—they still work to make whatever changes they can. I have learned a lot from these volunteers and have been inspired by their passion for their initiatives.
In addition to working with the CATs, I also had the opportunity to shadow our lobbyist, Shenna Bellows, in Augusta for a day. Although I’m more science-oriented, after a day of whipping the Senate on LD 146, I could certainly envision a future in advocacy as well. I hope I am able to do so with the same grace and skill Shenna demonstrates.
Over the course of the summer, I also spent a fair amount of time building our social media presence. As reflected by Maine’s population, most of the Maine Chapter’s membership tends to be a slightly older crowd. My hope is that, through the effective use of other platforms, specifically Twitter (@SierraClubMaine) and Instagram (@SC_Maine), in collaboration with Facebook, we can garner support and participation from more young adults throughout the state. And although I will have to go back to the Mid-Atlantic at the end of the month, my hope to keep working toward this goal.
Many thanks to everyone who shared their experiences and skills with me over the last two-and-a-half months, and to my favorite place, Maine, for being a home I want to fight for. See you all come ski season!