2015 Maine Grassroots Climate Action Conference
More than 100 climate activists from 61 Maine towns gathered together for the 2015 Maine Grassroots Climate Action Conference on December 12, 2015 at the University of Maine, Augusta Campus. The conference featured breakouts sessions from presenters who have successfully implemented a wide range of locate climate and other sustainable solutions. The purpose of the gathering was to help develop and support the formation of town Climate Action Teams to advance climate solutions in their communities.
The conference coincided with the historic final agreement by more than 190 countries at the United Nations Climate Talks in Paris, and during the lunch break conference participants heard a live update from Paris by Sierra Club Maine leaders Claudia King and Joan Saxe.
Conference Resources/Presentations
Conference Program
Shenna Bellows's Keynote Address
Grassroots Organizing
Guide for Starting Your Local Climate Action Team
Community Solar Farms (Revision Energy)
Community Solar Farm and Solar Policy (Portland)
Municipal Solar (Wiscasset)
Municipal Solar (Bar Harbor)
Solarize Freeport presentation
Solarize Freeport RFP
Solarize Freeport Forms
Home Weatherization Outreach Programs (7 Rivers Habitat for Humanity)
Plastic Bag Reduction Program (Brunswick)
Plastic Bag Reduction Program (Falmouth)
Community/School Gardens (Reiche School, Portland)
Western Foothills Region Sustainable Initiatives (Center for an Ecology-Based Economy)
Funding Local Action (New England Grassroots Environment Fund)
Intro to Grassroots Fund
Fundraising Resources
Finding Funding Support in Your Own Backyard
Conference Photos