Calling all volunteers - we want to hear from you!

You get many requests from Sierra Club, but this is one we are counting on you to prioritize.  If you are a Sierra Club volunteer at any level, please set aside just 15 minutes to complete this first-ever Survey of Volunteer Satisfaction that was requested by the Council of Club Leaders and is being implemented by the Board of Directors.  


The Survey of Volunteer Satisfaction will give us an initial general measurement of the Sierra Club volunteer experience among volunteer leaders and key activists. Survey results are expected to guide the Board of Directors in investigating further areas of concern and taking concrete steps toward strengthening the volunteer experience at Sierra Club.


Thank you! And please complete the Survey of Volunteer Satisfaction by Sunday, July 1.




Survey Task Force Members & Staff:

Olga Bolotina

Greg Casini

George Chavez

Scott Elkins

Charles Frank

Debbie Heaton

David Holtz, Chair

Ben Jones

Natalie Lucas

Grace McRae

Peter Sargent

Matt Scully


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