Sierra Club, Mayor of St. Gabriel make climate headlines

Baton Rouge flagship newspaper The Advocate featured the mayor of St. Gabriel, Louisiana, urging his counterparts in other cities and towns to follow his lead and weigh in on the threat posed by climate chage in an article that ran this past Sunday written by Steve Hardy.

"Climate issues are something we really need to start addressing. ... God has given us two things. He's given us life and he's given us this planet to live on," [St. Gabriel Mayor Lionel] Johnson said.

The article also highlights the work of the Sierra Club Ready for 100 campaign, as well as a quote from our very own Beyond Coal organizer Cherelle Blazer:

Cherelle Blazer, of the Sierra Club, said Louisiana is brimming with opportunities for sustainable practices like solar-powered electricity. She hopes local governments and electric co-ops use their numbers to affect change, since the state is already ground zero for land loss caused by the rising seas associated with climate change.

"If there's anywhere people should be signing on to We Are Still In, it should be Louisiana," she said.

Check out the full article here.

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