Stop the New Tax on Solar in Lafayette - Update, News Development

Update As of 6:00 pm, Nov 7 ABiz business news has published a story that Terry Huval LUS Director will request that the Council rescind the new fees on solar. This is a victory for clean energy and common sense in Lafayette. You can read the story here:‘solar-tax-ordinance.html?utm_source=News+from+IND+Media&utm_campaign=ca7909a4d3-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2016_11_08&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5d7622dd6c-ca7909a4d3-148287293 Sierra Club Acadian Group plans to go ahead with the public forum at SLCC on Nov 10 at 7 pm. We will update everyone on what has developed by then and talk about Lafayette's electrical future. Previous post as follows: Lafayette Utility Service recently increased its rates and included a new solar tax. The new monthly fixed fee is $27.26 for every residential solar owner which is $20.26 more than the fee paid by non solar LUS residential customers. This will pretty much eliminate the advantage of having solar on a residence and will kill future development of solar in Lafayette City/Parish. The increase is even worse for commercial customers. We think the council made a big mistake in passing this extreme rate increase for solar customers. What you can do: Sign our online petition which can be found at: Call or email your City Council Representative and let him know that you would like to be able to choose solar and that solar should be in Lafayette’s electrical future. To find your council representative you can go to: Come to a community meeting to find out more. The meeting will be on Thursday, Nov 10 at 7:00 pm. The location will be the South Louisiana Community College Auditorium at 320 Devalcourt St, Lafayette, LA 70506. The principal presenter will be Simon Mahan, an energy policy expert and solar homeowner living in Lafayette. Come to the Lafayette City/Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, Nov 15 and make a comment during the public comment period toward the end of the meeting, or just sign a card in opposition to the rate increase for solar. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm. Read More about what happened: and here

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