Why Write to Media

Why Write a Letter to the Editor?

Writing a letter-to-the-editor (LTE) to your local or regional newspaper is an effective means to reach a large audience. LTEs are printed on the editorial page, which is one of the most read pages in the paper. Congress members keep a close eye on media coverage in their local papers. This media monitoring helps members keep abreast of issues of importance to their constituents. So, when you have your LTE published you reach both a wide public audience and your elected officials with the same effort.

Even if your letter is not published, it is important for educating and persuading editors. The more letters they receive on a given topic, the more likely they are to dedicate time in their newspaper to that issue.


1. Keep your letter short, focused, and interestingIn general, letters should be 200-500 words; stay focused on one or two points. If possible include interesting facts, relevant personal experience, and any local connections to the issue. Why is this important to Iowans?

2. If you are responding to an article be timely. Respond to an article within two or three days.

3. If you are addressing an issue that your elected representative is working on or should know about, use their name in the article.

4. Write the letter in your own words. Editors want letters in their papers to be original.

5.Read over each sentence to ensure that your facts, quotes, and dates are correct. Include references for facts and quotes.

6. Keep your sentences short and your paragraphs tight.

7. Clip out your printed letter and send it to your legislator with a brief cover note. This way you can be certain that he or she sees it.

8. Don’t be shy. Some LTEs may only be relevant locally, but if If your topic concerns Iowa as a whole send your letter to the Des Moines Register, the Cedar Rapids Gazette and other larger Iowa papers.

9. Follow the paper’s directions. Each newspaper has a word limit for LTEs and Op-Eds. This varies from paper to paper. Information on how and to whom to submit a LTE is usually found on the letters page in your paper and on their website. See details below.

Selected Newspapers in Iowa - Contact Info

When submitting an editorial or op-ed include your name, city and a daytime phone number and email. (used for verification).

Southeast Iowa Union  500 word limit  Letters are printed on Thursdays so submit early in the week. Email your letter to news@southeastiowaunion.com    

Des Moines Register 200 words or less

The Gazette   (Cedar Rapids/Iowa City) 250 words / Guest Columns 650

To submit letters or guest columns:

Iowa City Press-Citizen

Letters to the editor, guest editorials, responses to Press-Citizen editorials, etc., should be directed to the opinion editor at opinion@press-citizen.com

The Daily Iowan 300 word limit:


Dubuque Telegraph Herald 250 word limit:


The Hawkeye 400 word limit:


The Ames Tribune 300 word limit:

http://www.amestrib.com/section?template=submit&subtype=letter  scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the online submission form  http://www.freemanjournal.net/submit-news/ 

Ottumwa Courier:


 The Ottumwa Courier requires all letters to the editor be signed and include the author’s full name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers for confirmation purposes. Letters should be no more than 400 words. Letters may be dropped off at or mailed to 213 E. Second St., Ottumwa, or emailed to news@ottumwacourier.com.

Southeast Iowa Sierra Club contact info:
