John Ferrell, USDA REAP, on IRA Funding

John Ferrell USDA

John Ferrell, Business Programs Director for USDA REAP

REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) under the IRA, will benefit Rural small businesses and agricultural producers by providing funding for energy efficiency projects.

John provided the following handouts:

USDA REAP IRA General Outreach -3-31-23.pdf2.16 MB
John's presentation slides



USDA Forestry Grants.docx25.46 KB



USDA General FACT SHEET.docx18.15 KB



USDA House Preservation Grants.pdf127.21 KB



USDA Job Accelerator.pdf214.97 KB



USDA REAP IRA General Outreach -3-31-23.pdf2.16 MB



USDA Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grants.pdf161.5 KB


USDA Water and Waste Grants.pdf85.54 KB



USDA-RD-SA-Institutions-of-HigherEd03.27.2023.pdf205.44 KB