Funding Clinic for Inflation Reduction Act Funds

The Inflation Reduction Act has billions of dollars of funding available for businesses, nonprofits, churches, schools, local governments, and farmers. This Clinic, held Friday, April 28, 2023, will help you receive some of that funding.

National experts will present information about the amount and type of IRA funds that will flow through their agency and what types of projects are eligible. They will include DOT, EPA, USDA, FEMA, IRS, IEC, Blue-Green Alliance, Iowa Solar Trade Association, Center for Rural Affairs, and more.

These representatives, as well as grant writers, will staff “round tables” where you, the participants, can ask questions about your specific projects, learn how best to proceed, and who to contact to access funds.

Speakers, their documents, and videos:

Need help writing a proposal to the US Government in order to receive funding? Good news. There are many experienced grant writers in Iowa to help.

ia_grant_writers_consultants.pdf175.05 KB
Iowa-based grant writers​​​



And training sessions for those who write their own grants.

Grant Application Bootcamp.docx2.51 MB
Training on how to write grants