Lamson Woods: Shelterwood Timber Harvest Complete

City of Fairfield, neighboring communities, friends, neighbors, nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, the first step in implementing the management plan for Lamson Woods was a success. I, Cassidy Robinson (IA DNR District Forester), conducted one quality control check during the 5-day logging operation and inspected the site within a week after the harvest was done. I found no major ruts from the skid trails and minimal damage to residual trees. The few damaged trees will be removed during the post- harvest Site Prep for Natural Regeneration (SPNR).

Lamson Woods was immediately opened back up to the public after the post-harvest inspection. Brush from the harvest had blocked many parts of the trail and made walking in certain areas somewhat unsafe. The trail has now been cleared to improve the safety and accessibility for the public. Please note that the new trail leads right into the neighboring private property (to the east). This landowner allowed the loggers access to Lamson from their property so that they would not have to cross any waterways and increase the risk of soil erosion. Please respect the private property by being aware of the property line and staying within the bounds of Lamson Woods. The top of the fence posts that separate Lamson from the neighboring property (east boundary line) are painted bright pink at the top to make the boundary clearer. 

The public will now find brush piles and cut trees in the woods. These are left behind for the benefit of wildlife. Many woodland birds and animals can now use these for cover and nesting.

Next steps include Site Prep Natural Regeneration (SPNR), Crop Tree Release (CTR) on the non-harvested acres, and Invasive Species Control throughout the entire property. This work will be paid for by the funds from the harvest. A prescribed burn is also planned, contingent on available funds, workforce and expertise availability, and permitting.

Thank you all for your understanding and support! I am SO excited about the future of our Iowan forests with the good boots on the ground management that I’m seeing get accomplished. It’s been such a team effort, one that I am thrilled to be a part of.


Cassidy Robinson
IA DNR District Forester