Watch "Kiss the Ground" free online, Mar 7 to 11, 2021

Kiss the Ground movie posterSun, Mar 7 — Thu, Mar 11
7:00 AM ET -11:59 PM ET

How about some good news for a change? Here it is: we can reverse global warming. The solution lies right beneath our feet. Kiss the Ground is about soil and regenerative agriculture. It presents the research, practices and hope we all need to move forward.

Join us for a screening and a post-screening Q&A panel with national Sierra Club leaders and Kiss the Ground's filmmakers, where we will be discussing the ways that our relationship to food and farming directly impacts the planet as a whole. When we're farming right, we can regenerate our soil, build community, strengthen local economies, promote biodiversity, restore ecosystems, fight climate change and heal our bodies.

Click here to see a preview and to register!

Thanks for coming together to watch this film and participate in this engaging discussion — and thanks for being on this path to regeneration with us!

March 7-11: Watch the film at your leisure through our Vimeo virtual screening

March 11 at 8 pm ET: Join us for the Q&A panel discussion with the filmmakers