Iowa's Waterways are Suffering and they need your help

Iowa's factory farms (CAFOs) are harming our water, air, and communities.

Recently, the Iowa DNR released the 2020 polluted water report that showed the leading cause of polluted rivers, streams, and lakes is factory farm manure. The current permitting process, the Master Matrix, is full of loopholes and is not doing its job of protecting us from factory farm pollution.

We need a moratorium on new and expanding factory farms in Iowa. Please join us in asking your Iowa Legislators to put a moratorium on new/expanding factory farms until a responsible plan is put in place to manage and monitor them.

Iowa map and waterways

Red indicates a level 5 impaired waterway requiring a TMDL*
Yellow indicates a level 4 impaired waterway.
* TMDL stands for total maximum daily load - a regulatory term in the U.S. Clean Water Act, describing a plan for restoring impaired waters that identifies the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive while still meeting water quality standards.

Iowa map showing CAFOs


Your legislators need to hear from you!

In 2020, over twenty state legislators signed on to support a moratorium and we need more legislators to do the same in 2021. Take action today to ask your State Representative and State Senator to support a moratorium on factory farms.

Thank you for standing up for clean water!