NEED e-mails of Iowa City Area Group Members. If you are not receiving e-mails regarding local Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club events, please send an e-mail to with a subject of “add my name to list”.
February 7 – 9 (tentative) Backbone State Park. The Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club with the Cedar Wapsie Group (Cedar Rapids Area) and the White Pine Group (Dubuque Area) will be staying in two large cabins during this weekend. The cost for the weekend with food will be approximately $50. If interested please contact . It is also possible to come just for the day on February 8 or one of the two nights.
Saturday February 22, 9:30-11:30 am - Coralville Public Library League of Women Voters Legislative Forum (Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club is a cosponsor). Attend and ask your state senators and representatives’ questions about what they are doing to improve the environment in Iowa.
March 7 10:00 am Whitewater Canyon hike. Leave 8:30 am from Iowa City. Please contact if interested in attending.
Partner Events
Saturday, January 25, 2020, US Presidential Candidate Forum on International Issues (including global warming), Old Brick 2pm (doors open at 1 pm). Free tickets available at
Climate Crisis Parade Registration, Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite Eventbrite - Climate Crisis Parade Coalition presents Climate Crisis Parade - Saturday, February 1, 2020 at Cowles Commons, Des Moines, IA. Find event and registration information. Bus available from Iowa City for approximately $15-$25. Please contact if you would like to ride the bus.
Bur Oak Land Trust's Prairie Preview will be held March 3, 2020 at the Clarion Highlander: 2525 North Dodge Street, Iowa City. The event starts at 6:30 pm. Keynote talk is 7:30 pm. If you are interested in helping the Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club table at this event, please contact or call 338-0005.
A workshop/seminar on attracting Purple Martins will be held Saturday, March 21, 2020 beginning at 9:00 A.M. at the CAM Iowa Clothing Center (1005 Nutmeg Ave) 1.8 miles north of Kalona, IA and one mile east off Highway 1. For more information, please contact: Jim Walters at (319) 466-1134 or
Earth Festival on April 27th near Coralville Marriott Hotel & Conference Center from 10 am – 2 pm. If you are interested in helping the Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club table at this event, please contact or call 338-0005.
Earth Festival on April 27th at Robert A. Lee Recreation Center in downtown Iowa City from 3-6 p.m. If you are interested in helping the Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club table at this event, please contact or call 338-0005.
CCL (Citizens Climate Lobby) meetings are always on the 2nd Saturday of the month from noon to 1:30! This link has the address info:
More details can be found on Facebook: Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club
Looking for Participants
Thank you for being a Sierra Club member. You have chosen to join in the constant work of protecting the natural land and life that lives on it. We would like you to consider energizing your local group “Iowa City Area Group” by participating in it. It’s a great way to meet fellow members, promote a specific area of concern, and offer your skills. We need volunteers to organize outings, manage the group web site, write articles, ask questions of political candidates, etc. Please contact Jim Trepka at (319)338-0005 or Louise Murray at 351-1655 or Thank you!
You may use the email addresses and phone numbers listed below for more information.
Committees of Iowa City Area Group:
Group Chair: Jim Trepka 338-0005 Please contact the group chair if you are interested in helping with any activities listed below.
Secretary: Anne Marie Kraus 337-8260 Records executive committee minutes.
Treasurer: Louise Murray 351-1655 Maintains finances for group.
Conservation: open: identify worthwhile areas needing protection. Organizes donations or services.
Fundraising & Calendar Sales Chair: Ed Heffron 351-1655 Fundraising for the Iowa City Area Group.
Iowa Chapter Delegate: Mike Carberry 594-6453 mikecarberry@GMAIL.COM
Membership: Barbara Beaumont 626-6227 Invite members to actively participate.
Newsletter: Marybeth Slonneger 354-8700 Prepares our newsletter for quarterly publication.
Outings: open: promote outdoor activities. Please contact group chair if you are interested in leading any outings.
Political: Tom Carsner 338-9335 Promotes the election of pro-environment candidates and raise awareness about environmental issues among the public and decision-makers.
Program Chair: Robin Enfield 321-1355 Organizes programs.
Publicity: open: contact local media to update them about club activities. Please contact group chair if you are interested.
Webmaster: Jim Trepka 338-0005 Update our website.
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