A note on the 2024 elections
Every election cycle, the Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club endorses candidates running for public office. The candidates that the Sierra Club endorses are selected based on their support of the critical environmental issues facing Iowans such as clean water, renewable energy, voter access to the polls, and protection of the bottle deposit law. They are leaders who truly care about public policy and its effect on the citizens of Iowa. True leadership means dealing with the problems the state faces. Being a leader requires courage, vision, and an interest in the future.
The Sierra Club has endorsed the following candidates:
US President
US House of Representatives
Iowa Senate
Iowa House
Josh Turek - House 20
Kenan Judge - House 27
Brian Meyer - House 29
Megan Srinivas - House 30
Mary Madison - House 31
Jennifer Konfrst - House 32
Ruth Ann Gaines - House 33
Sean Bagniewski - House 35
Austin Baeth - House 36
Rick Olson - House 39
Molly Buck - House 41
Heather Matson - House 42
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell - House 49
Ross Wilburn - House 50
Sue Cahill - House 52
Timi Brown-Powers - House 61
Jerome Amos, Jr - House 62
Lindsay James - House 71
Charles Isenhart - House 72
Elizabeth Wilson - House 73
Eric Gjerde - House 74
Bob Kressig - House 75
Sami Scheetz - House 78
Tracy Ehlert - House 79
Amy Nielsen - House 85
Dave Jacoby - House 86
Adam Zabner - House 90
Ken Croken - House 97
Monica Kurth - House 98
Boards of Supervisors
County Auditor
Johnson County Conservation Bond Issue
"Shall the County of Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to acquire and develop lands with public access provided, to be managed by the Johnson County Conservation Board, in order to protect the water quality in rivers, lakes and streams; protect forests to improve air quality; protect natural areas and wildlife habitat from development, and provide for parks and trails, at a cost not exceeding $30,000,000 and issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $30,000,000 for that purpose, to be repaid in not more than 20 years? All expenditures will be subject to an annual independent audit."
Below is the announcement of the Candidates that the Sierra Club endorsed in the 2024 election.
The Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club announces its list of candidate endorsements for the 2024 general election.
The Iowa Chapter is announcing the list of candidates being endorsed for the 2024 election. These candidates have been selected based on their support of the critical environmental issues facing Iowans such as clean water, renewable energy, voter access to the polls, and protection of the bottle deposit law. They are leaders who truly care about public policy and its effect on the citizens of Iowa. True leadership means dealing with the problems the state faces. Leadership is not kicking the can down the road, leadership is not pretending the problems are being solved when they are not being addressed, and leadership is not denying there are problems. Being a leader requires courage, vision, and an interest in the future.
The Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club conducts a rigorous process for endorsing state candidates. Chapter leaders primarily base their endorsements for incumbents on their voting records. Candidates who are not incumbents are endorsed based on their answers to the Chapter’s questionnaire.
Endorsements require two entities to endorse. Groups evaluate candidates representing the group districts and make recommendations to the Political Committee and the Chapter Executive Committee. Candidates in districts not represented by Chapter Groups are evaluated by the Political Committee and the Chapter Executive Committee. Endorsement votes by two of any of these three entities (Groups, Political Committee and Executive Committee) constitute the combination of two entities required for endorsement.