Call to action to Double the Deam Wilderness, and an update from D.C. - blog from volunteer leader Jesse Kirkham

Two men stand in front of the Capitol Building in D.C. The building has a domed roof and several pillars at the front. The sky is cloudy.
Volunteer leaders Neil Goswami (L) and Jesse Kirkham (R) in D.C.











May 13-15 was the Sierra Club's Wildlands Lobby Week in Washington D.C. Two Hoosier Chapter Executive Committee Members, Neil Goswami (Political Committee Chair) and Jesse Kirkham (Heartlands Group Chair) went to D.C. to work with Sierra Club’s D.C. Staff and Sierra Club Volunteers from around the country. They lobbied the Senate to support the bipartisan H.R. 6492, (The Explore Act). This legislation will revolutionize and improve access for everyone to America's Public Lands. They lobbied Congress to pass the bipartisan version of the Senate Farm Bill, which protects IRA investments of $20 billion for agriculture & conservation assistance and $9.7 billion for rural clean energy programs. It also provides protection for wilderness designations and other land protection. Neil and Jesse were able to meet with both Senator Braun and Young's Office staff as well as with every Indiana Congressional Office. They even met with House Speaker Mike Johnson's Office. On behalf of the Hoosier Chapter and the Indiana Forest Alliance they lobbied specifically for S.2990 (Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness Addition Act) which would double the Deam Wilderness in Indiana. This is presently in the Senate version of the Farm Bill.


The Hoosier Chapter and the Indiana Forest Alliance along with several organizations are working to designate 15,300 acres of Hoosier National Forest as wilderness through the passage of S. 2990, the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness Establishment Act of 2023. The Bill was introduced in the House of Representatives by Indiana Congresswoman Erin Houchin. U.S. Senator Mike Braun also re-introduced the Bill in the U.S. Senate and it is now S.4402.

If passed, S.4402 would add 15,300 acres to the Charles C. Deam Wilderness, more than doubling its size and create the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area (NRA) on an additional 29,382 acres. This legislation will serve to protect the drinking water of Lake Monroe and add further recreational, scenic value and biodiversity to this protected land. 

Please contact U.S. Senator Todd Young and ask him to cosponsor S.4402 along with Senator Braun. Email Senator Todd Young via or call 317-226-6700 and ask him to cosponsor S.4402! You can contact your U.S. Representative to cosponsor it in the House.

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