Successful Pollinator Path Campaign in Columbus - Blog from Eric Riddle, volunteer leader

The Winding Waters Group helped Columbus become a Bee City USA affiliate in 2021.  

Green fields with a large tree against a blue sky. There are raised beds near the tree.


This year began with a successful $15,000 Patronicity fundraising campaign to fund the Columbus AirPark “Pollinator Path”.  Volunteers put in hundreds of hours planning, planting, watering, and hosting events for the project.  During National Pollinator Week on June 20, a community gathering brought in supporters to learn about the new 1-acre native plant meadow seeded next to the Columbus Community Garden. 

During four Saturdays this summer, Sierra Club volunteers sold native plants at the local Farmers' Market. Raising money and awareness of the benefits of the plants through the Farmers' Market continues to be a winning combination for supporting ecological initiatives in Columbus.

For 2023, the Winding Waters group is currently working to have the pollinator path certified as a Sustainable Trail by the Indiana Wildlife Federation. More plantings are currently being planned along the path.

To learn more about the project, visit the fundraising campaign website.

Eric Riddle, Secretary and Program Co-Chair for the Sierra Club Winding Waters Group

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