Newsletter- August 2022 update from Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter


Join us on the trail!
Black text Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter banner with green pine tree logo image

Welcome to our August newsletter! Are you ready for fall yet or still enjoying the summer heat? Whether you're eagerly anticipating the crunch of leaves beneath your feet, or still basking in the sunshine, we hope you're finding time to get outdoors this month. Perhaps you'd like to join us on a hike? If so, read on for information on our upcoming Opt Outside for Black Friday Browning Mountain Hike.

Also in this newsletter: read about volunteer leader Rox Caldwell, get involved with Indiana Beyond Coal petition delivery, our director Amanda's thoughts on the Inflation Reduction Act, and much more - including our usual readers' photos, and recommendations features!

Volunteer Spotlight

Hi. I’m Roxanna Caldwell. I’m a lifelong Hoosier from northern Indiana and I’ve lived in Indianapolis for over 20 years. I currently reside in Garfield Park where I’m learning about native flowers to attract pollinators to my growing gardens, and you can usually find me taking care of a foster cat or two around the neighborhood.

Read the full article at our website: Volunteer Spotlight - Roxanna Caldwell.
A woman with shoulder length brown hair sits on a wall with autumnal looking trees which have lots their leaves behind her. She is petting a brown and white dog who is standing on the wall, and she is smiling at the camera.

Join Indiana Beyond Coal to deliver petitions to AES Indiana 

Thanks to all of you, we have collected over 2,000 petitions calling for a clean energy future for Indy to deliver to AES Indiana.

We want to invite you to join us on Wednesday, September 7 at 11:30 AM on Monument Circle to show that Indy residents want a clean 20-Year Energy Plan -- RSVP today here: Petition Delivery to AES Indiana.

If you have any questions, contact Megan Anderson via email (

Thoughts on the Inflation Reduction Act from
Amanda Shepherd, Chapter Director

Those of us in environmental and justice spaces have been dreaming of legislation that addresses the ongoing climate crisis for decades. This year, on August 16, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes provisions for many issues - climate among them. And I celebrated because it has been a long, slow, agonizing road to get to this point. As someone who has been working in this space for many, many years I will admit that I was hungry for something - anything - that resembled a win.

Read full article on our website: Inflation Reduction Act - Blog from Amanda Shepherd, Chapter Director.

Sierra Club Spotted!

Sierra Club staff and volunteer leaders are passionate about getting out there and spreading the word about issues that matter to Hoosiers!
This month saw our director, Amanda, and many Sierra Club volunteers and supporters spend many hours at the Statehouse fighting the anti-abortion bill.

As you know, the bill we feared went through and will be law beginning September 15th. If you’re not already doing so, we highly recommend following the ACLU of Indiana to keep updated - we’ll be supporting them and other partners to continue to do this work. 

We are gathering our strength and efforts to prepare for the next challenges that come our way. Thank you so much to all of you who rise up to protect reproductive rights in Indiana.

The Winding Waters Group were spotted with their native plant booth at the Columbus Farmers market August 20. 

In the photo to the right are pollinator protectors Natalie Perry, Eric Riddle, Rebecca Lorenz, and Joe Bronnert, with a customer.

The Winding Waters Group are passionate about pollinators! This month saw the opening of the pollinator path in Columbus (bottom right) - group members and supporters enjoyed a stroll from Columbus Community Gardens pollinator meadow Blackwell Park to pollinator meadow, where volunteer leaders highlighted new native plantings along the way.

If you have events coming up that you would like to invite Sierra Club to attend, or to reach out to us for a quote, please contact
People protesting outside the Indiana State Senate Chambers, shot from one balcony overlooking a rotunda to another balcony.
Photo of the Statehouse during the fight to protect reproductive rights, by Amanda Shepherd.
A small group of people stand around a plant stall conversing and checking out the plants. They are outside and a green Sierra Club banner is visible at the stall.
A small group of people outside looking at plants and shrubbery. The sky is a bright blue with few clouds.
Michael Bean, Buffy Dunham, Michelle Carr, Joe Bronnert, Natalie Perry, Kelly Bean Quentin Gerber and Doug Johnson at the new island of native plants at the AirPark on the Pollinator Path Stroll.

Flashback Friday

For our new Flashback Friday feature this month, we hear from Amanda on a day that changed her life:

"Ten years ago on August 21, I walked into the Climate Reality Leadership Training in San Francisco and my life changed forever. Climate justice became not only my passion but my life's work. Thanks to the connections I made that day, I entered a career in the environmental nonprofit sector within 2 years. I now work closely with two of the people pictured here and know so many others who have committed their lives in a similar way. Forever grateful for the experience, the connections, the passion, and the friendship."
Nine people- four sat in chairs, five standing behind- at a conference smile for the camera. There are folders and pens on the table so it looks like a busy event where folks are taking notes.
Amanda (back row, second from left) with fellow climate activists including Jim Poyser (Earth Charter Indiana, far right, bottom row) and Wendy Bredhold (Sierra Club Indiana Beyond Coal Campaign, next to in the Jim bottom row)

Readers' photos - and introducing our new team member!

This month's readers' photo comes from Ashlyn Devine. We love the reflections in the water here of the lake near her childhood home in Newburgh, southern Indiana.
A glassy lake reflecting mostly bare of leaves trees and a blue in the water, with some homes visible behind the trees.
Ashlyn - pictured here at a climate strike - has just joined our Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter team as a Fellow:

"I recently graduated with my BA in Philanthropic Studies from IUPUI and have just started as the McKinney Philanthropic Fellow with the Hoosier Chapter. I'm so excited to get started!"
A young woman holds up a sign saying "Denial is not a policy" at a climate strike rally. Other young people are visible in the background.
Do you have a photograph of Indiana nature that you would like to share?

We'd love to see it and perhaps feature it in a future newsletter!

Use the button below or email
I have a photograph to share

Upcoming events

Wining Waters Group:

(Click on the links for more information)

Native Plant Sale Columbus Farmers Market, Sat, Aug 27. 

STATE Political Candidate Forum, September 26th at 5:30pm at the Red Room, BCPL, Columbus.

LOCAL Political Candidate Forum, October 5th at 5:30pm at the Red Room, BCPL, Columbus.

Browning Mountain Opt Outside Hike, 25 November.


From Indiana:
A step-by-step guide to making your home a pollinator oasis! (IUPUI Sustainability Blog)
Just Transition Northwest Indiana on NIPSCO's proposed 'clean closure' plans (Lakeshore Public Radio)
Scrub Hub: Green job opportunities expected to continue growing in Indiana (Indy Star)
Clarksville, Richmond develop plans to protect residents from extreme heat(Indiana Public Media)
Michigan City council opposes NIPSCO rate hike (
Indiana has a $100 million EV plan. Black communities say they’re being left out (Protocol)
Indianapolis one of 12 cities participating in a study looking at how parks keep urban areas cool (WBAA)
Indiana included in climate report 'Extreme Heat Belt' (Yahoo News)

From the rest of the country and beyond:
A Fear of Gentrification Turns Clearing Lead Contamination on Atlanta’s Westside Into a ‘Two-Edged Sword’ for Residents (Inside Climate News)
With Epic Flooding in Eastern Kentucky, the State’s Governor Wants to Know ‘Why We Keep Getting Hit’ (Inside Climate News)

From Sierra Club:
The Time to Ensure a Livable Planet Is Now

What have you been reading, listening to, or watching lately? We'd love to hear from you!

Use the button below or email
I have a recommendation
That's all for this month! We hope you've enjoyed this newsletter. As ever, please don't hesitate to get in touch - we love hearing from our readers! 

Until next time,

All the team at Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter.

PS Hoosier Chapter Executive Committee elections will be coming up soon. Look out for emails in the next month with more information- including how you can apply to join our team! Questions? Contact Julie Lowe: and Richard Hill:
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