New Network Forming in Bloomington and Surrounds - Blog from Marilyn Bauchat, volunteer leader

Years ago the Uplands Group existed here, based in Bloomington and servicing five counties.

As Sierra Club volunteer leaders in the area, we have been inspired by the growing community of environmental activists here to revive this network.

We would be part of the state Hoosier Chapter, gathering Sierra Club supporters to form a local outings group. Activities would include regular outings and monthly meetings with topics of interest. We would also partner with established environmental groups in the area to protect, preserve, and explore together. Our volunteers would form a member list for communicating by email or phone, along with a social media page.

We anticipate needing volunteers for the following roles:

-Chairperson (filled by Marilyn Bauchat)
-Record Manager
-Community Partner Coordinator
-Conservation Committee Chair
-Blogger/Article writer to spread the news of outings and events
-Outings leader coordinator (filled by Mary Reardon)
-Outings leaders

Network Vision:

  • Our network will be a vibrant, dynamic, place-based hub working in solidarity with our communities to connect people to nature and build local grassroots power.
  • We aim to create welcoming and inclusive spaces that reflect the diversity of our communities.
  • We strive to be respectful partners in the movement, centering equity and justice, and creating spaces in which people and the environment thrive.

If you live in one of the following counties- Monroe, Morgan, Lawrence, Owen, Greene, and the west side of Brown- and would like to participate, or have questions or suggestions, please email me:

Thank you again for your continued support of our local work. We are excited to meet you out on the trail!

Marilyn Bauchat
Bloomington Volunteer Leader and Executive Committee Vice Chair Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter


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