Newsletter- May 2022 update from Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter


Take action to move Indiana beyond coal!
Black text Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter banner with green pine tree logo image
Hi Supporter,

We hope you're enjoying the sunshine and keeping cool! Here at Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter, we're excited to share news with you of our expanding work in the state - thanks to our wonderful volunteer leaders, we have an active outings committee once again, and a new group forming in Bloomington! You can read all about how to get involved below.

Also in this newsletter - take action to move Indiana beyond coal, upcoming events, and of course our usual Sierra Club Spotted!, readers' photos, and recommendations.

Next month there will be a break from our usual newsletter format as Rebecca, our Chapter Coordinator and newsletter editor, will be on sabbatical. However, look out for a special June email with summer reads and other recommendations from your Indiana team! We will be back with our next regular newsletter in July. Happy reading!

Take action! 
Tell the New CEO of AES Indiana to Move Beyond Coal

A group of around 25 people of various ages including children, some with open mouths chanting and raised arms. Most are wearing t-shirts stating Repower Indiana. One is holding a cut out of an inhaler. Others hold signs with statistics such as 6730 asthma attacks per year. They are standing in a field with a power plant visible in the distance.
Pictured: In 2018, activists gathered from across the state in Evansville, the epicenter of the super polluter crisis, to take action together to move our state beyond coal.
AES Indiana’s Petersburg coal plant is the worst water polluter in Indiana and one of the worst air and climate polluters in the entire country.

AES Indiana (formerly IPL) has a new name and a new CEO, but it’s still the same polluting company. AES Indiana needs to replace its expensive and polluting Petersburg coal plant with clean energy as soon as possible.

Tell AES Indiana’s new CEO, Kristina Lund, that it’s time to move beyond coal to 100% renewable energy!

New Sierra Club Group Forming in Bloomington

Years ago the Uplands Group existed in Bloomington, servicing five counties. As Sierra Club volunteer leaders in the area, we have been inspired by the growing community of environmental activists here to look into reviving this group.

Activities would include regular outings and monthly meetings with topics of interest. We would also partner with established environmental groups in the area to protect, preserve, and explore together.
If you live in one of the following counties- Monroe, Morgan, Lawrence, Owen, and Greene- and would like to participate, or have questions or suggestions, please email

We are excited to meet you out on the trail!

Marilyn Bauchat
Bloomington Volunteer Leader and Executive Committee Vice Chair Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter
A white woman with reddish shoulder length hair and glasses smiles for the camera. Behind her you can see what looks to be a painting of purple flowers.

Share Your Love of the Outdoors!

Are you passionate about sharing your love for the outdoors with others? If so, consider embracing that passion as an Outings Leader for Sierra Club's Hoosier Chapter!

Once a month, Outings Leaders organize hikes and other outdoor activities around the state of Indiana. These outings provide people the opportunity to get outside, enjoy nature, and learn about conservation, sustainability, & environmental topics. In the past, outings have occurred in the Hoosier National Forest, Indiana State Parks, Indiana Dunes National Park, and other natural havens around the state.

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, the Outings Committee is once again working to organize and lead outings on a regular basis.

If you are interested in being a part of the Outings Committee, come to our next meeting on June 13th at 6 PM. Contact Outings Chair Paul Fuchs at for information on how to join the meeting.

Sierra Club Spotted!

Sierra Club staff and volunteer leaders are passionate about getting out there and spreading the word about issues that matter to Hoosiers! 
Legislative Coordinator Cory Ray and Chapter Director Amanda Shepherd were spotted tabling at the Children's Museum Earth Day event (right). Cory: "It was great having the opportunity to introduce Sierra Club at this event. Environmentalism is important and having kids understand that early on is critical in understanding these complex issues once they are older."

Volunteer leaders Roxanna Caldwell and Marilyn Bauchat tabled at the Save the Frogs Earth Day event at the Owen County Public Library (right). Marilyn: "We loved speaking with people of all ages who expressed their concern for wildlife and special places. Many young people shared special knowledge of their own as they spun the wheel and answered our questions."

Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter Chair Julie Lowe is quoted in this article about the movement to stop the Mid-States Corridor: Mid-States Corridor: INDOT's preferred route discussed during town hall in Mitchell.

"There has been no request from Indiana residents for this highway, no study done to indicate that this huge terrain highway is necessary and in fact, as stated by Indiana residents, that there is absolutely no need for it," Lowe said. "I hope you all will join the coalition to support our neighbors near Route P to tell the drivers of this proposal and the governor that we do not want this highway proposal to move forward." 

The DEIS formal comment period is now in effect until May 31.

Further reading: News release- Indiana Environmental and Community Organizations Issue Joint Statement Asking Citizens to Comment on Controversial New-Terrain Highway Proposed by State.

Finally for this month's Spotted! - something a bit different! Eric Riddle, volunteer leader at the Winding Waters Group, had his Earth Day haiku published on the Sierra Club national Facebook page. Read all the featured haikus here.
A man and a woman sit behind a desk which has a green Sierra Club banner draped over it. They are indoors and you can see a museum store in the background. They are both smiling and looking at the camera.
If you have events coming up that you would like to invite Sierra Club to attend, or to reach out to us for a quote, please contact

Readers' Photos

Thank you to Mike O’Brien, who sent in these photos of the various birds that live at or visit the lake where he lives:

"We live on Webster lake, and this is one of the many beautiful scenes I see out my “window to the world” as I call it [top].

This is the third year that we have seen these Pelicans. They come around the first of April. I think we had around 50 of them. It is just an awesome sight. They must be migrating from the South and stopping over here. They stay for about a month. We have lived on Webster Lake in Northern Indiana for 27 years. We are 38 miles West of Fort Wayne.

Last week we had three bald eagles perch on a tree on the island in front of the house [middle].

We have sandhill cranes walking through the yard at different times, too." [bottom photo]

Do you have a photograph of Indiana nature that you would like to share?

We'd love to see it and perhaps feature it in a future newsletter!

Use the button below or email
A misty lake scene. The trees are bare and you can see some pelicans in the water.
The outline of two bald eagles perched upon a branch. You can't see much details as it seems to be dusk and the sky is a purplish color.
Two sandhill cranes walk through a grassy yard. You can see the beginnings of a lake in the distance and some potted flowers and plants in the foreground.
I have a photograph to share

Upcoming Events

21 May: Kan-Kan Cinema Presents: Earth Charter Indiana’s spring climate film series - Princess Mononoke. Join ECI staff host Tatjana Rebelle & Earth Charter Indiana’s Youth Ambassadors for a discussion on why protecting our environment is so important to them. Purchase tickets here.

June 8: Beyond Coal Social + Petition Drive Launch. Join our Indiana Beyond Coal team on June 8 at 7:00 PM at Holliday Park Pavilion to get involved with our campaign to move Indy Beyond Coal in 2022! RSVP is required: sign up here.

June 16: Carmel Green Initiative and the City of Carmel are partnering to show the movie “2040” at the Midtown Plaza at 7:30 pm. Midtown Plaza is on the Monon Trail at 365 Monon Blvd. More information: Sustainable Living Seminar: 2040.


From Indiana:

Meltzer Woods: A Wintercreeper Success Story (Central Indiana Land Trust)
Northern Indiana residents doubt outcome of coal ash cleanup (Indiana Environmental Reporter)
With so much support, who wants to phase out rooftop solar incentives? Answer: Indiana utilities (Indiana Public Media)
Proponents Say Storing Captured Carbon Underground Is Safe, But States Are Transferring Long-Term Liability for Such Projects to the Public (Inside Climate News)
Nine Hoosiers recognized as 2022 Hoosier Resilience Heroes (Indiana Environmental Reporter)
An Indiana species might be added to the endangered list, and it looks like bird poop (Indy Star)
Blitzing the Competition in the City Nature Challenge (NUVO)
Poll shows Hoosiers don’t want weaker protections for wetlands (Indiana Public Media)
Report: Indiana utilities shut off electricity to Hoosiers 265,000 times during pandemic (Indy Star)

From the rest of the country and beyond:

If Nations Keep Their Promises, 2 Degrees of Warming Is Within Reach (Inside Climate News)
Americans love national parks — climate change is threatening their futures (The Hill)
Earth's forest cover could drop by half by 2100; NatGeo explores how humans can protect these trees (ABC7)
Why Doctors Are Prescribing Nature Walks (TIME)
Dismantling White Supremacy to Address the Climate Crisis (Climate One)

From Sierra Club:

New Energy Burden Calculator Highlights Unaffordable Burden for Home Energy Bills 
Quiz: What Kind of Environmentalist Are You?
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Tackling the Climate Crisis

What have you been reading, listening to, or watching lately? We'd love to hear from you!
Use the button below or email
I have a recommendation!
That's all for this month! We hope you've enjoyed this newsletter. As ever, please don't hesitate to get in touch - we love hearing from our readers! 

Until next time,

All the team at Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter.
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