March 2020 |

Nutrient Assessment Reduction Plan: Target Locations in HOI Group Area
Across our state a variety of local communities will be tackling a process to develop a Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan (NARP) as part of their permit for treated sewage water discharges. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has identified treatment facilities that have discharge levels of nitrogen and phosphorus which are too high. These high levels cause algae blooms that threaten water quality and public and animal health. They also cause eutrophication, which means oxygen is taken out of water. This causes the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico and many other environmental problems.
Nitrogen and phosphorus in the right amounts can help plant growth and are called nutrients, but in levels too high they are toxic and are currently causing grave problems in our state streams, lakes, rivers and the Gulf. The levels must be decreased.
Heart of Illinois Group locations on the NARP action list are Macomb, Pekin, Streator and Monmouth. If you are a resident of any of those communities and could help volunteer some time on NARP improvements for your town, please send an email to For anyone who has any interest in area water quality, this will be an opportunity to be part of local citizen engagement in NARP planning and public education. The Illinois Chapter Clean Water Team holds regular NARP calls. Contact Joyce at 309-678-1011 for more information.