May 2020 |
A water sampling location for Heart of Illinois Group shows marked changes this spring. Green algal growth can be seen in the photo with this article. This was not seen last fall when the same location was sampled.
Algal growth can indicate high levels of nitrates and phosphorus in the water. While these are termed nutrients because in appropriate levels they are key to plant health, in excessive levels they become contaminants causing water pollution. This can result in contaminated water quality impacting fish and other aquatic life. High nutrient levels can cause toxic algae blooms and increase the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico where large expanses so badly polluted fish cannot survive.
This stream location is being monitored due to a Confined Animal Operation/CAFO factory farm with thousands of hogs confined inside a barn. There is an open area for decomposing hog carcasses at the site. Concerns are contamination from the CAFO is impacting this stream.