January 2018
Tabling events, town hall meetings, and more need your help.
Can you volunteer an hour or two to help at a local Heart of Illinois Sierra Club event? Training will be provided! This is a great opportunity to get out and meet new people and do some environmental good. Don’t worry: you will have an experienced HOI member on hand for assistance. Tabling involves greeting the public and providing information, explaining the display or activity, taking names and emails for HOI newsletter sign-ups, and related duties. Here are some up-coming tabling opportunities: 1) help children learn what plastics can be recycled at the Forest Park Nature Center January 15th at the Reverse Science Fair, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 2) benefits of the Future Energy Jobs Act at the HOI table for the Future Energy Jobs Act Town Hall, Jan. 25th at the Carver Center, Peoria, 5:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. and additional Town Hall programs on Feb. 22nd, March 22nd, and April 26th; and there are other opportunities in the spring! Contact Joyce Blumenshine at joblumen@yahoo.com or 309-0688-0950 for more information.