July 2018
Contact Rep. Darin LaHood ASAP or the U.S. House Representative for where you live.
OPPOSE the assault on Emery County, Utah, Federal Public Lands and STOP the Emery County Public Land Management Act from wrecking the San Rafael Swell!
Send an email to Rep. Darin LaHood at the handy email comment link and please phone Rep. Darin LaHood’s Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-6201 to ask that Rep. LaHood oppose HR 5727, the Emery County Public Land Management Act, which will allow illegal roads, open up fragile wilderness lands to coal mining, and remove federal protection from over 2/3 of currently protected national lands in Emery County, Utah.
The same politicians who worked to undo protections for Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments in Utah are working again to attack pristine wildlands that belong to all Americans. House of Representatives Bill HR 5727, the Emery County Public Lands Management Act of 2018, introduced by Sen. Hatch and Rep. Curtis, both of Utah, will drastically change the fate of more than 1.5 million acres of wild public lands in Emery County, Utah. These lands are for all Americans and deserve protection for now and future generations.
For more information see the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance website.