November 2016

Tuesday, November 15th at 7 p.m.
Miller Senior Center, 551 S. 14th Street, Pekin
We Need YOU at this Important Public Hearing!
Your opportunity to comment on your concerns for area air quality will be at the Powerton coal-fired power plant permit hearing November 15th. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will be holding this public hearing to take comments and questions regarding their proposed draft CAAPP/Clean Air Act Pollution Permit for this 1970s plant.
An information meeting about concerns regarding this permit and what to expect at the public hearing will be held Wednesday, November 9th at 6:30 p.m. at the Pekin Public Library, 301 South 4th Street, Pekin, for those concerned about clean air issues and who are interested in attending the public hearing.
The public hearing notice and link for the technical permit documents are available on the Illinois EPA website.
The Powerton Plant has been undergoing upgrades for new air pollution controls. It has consistently been one of the largest area polluters of carbon dioxide, and in 2006 put 9,140,631 tons of CO2 into the air. A 2010 study for the Clean Air Task Force estimated pollution from this plant leads to 79 heart attacks, 51 deaths, 860 asthma attacks, 54 asthma ER visits, and 37 hospitalizations a year.