September 2016
While the City of Peoria has stagnated for years with about ¼ of its residents participating in the curbside recycling program, the good news is the City Council voted unanimously for a shorter contract renewal for services from the current waste and recycling hauler. At their August 23rd Council meeting a decision was made for the shorter of two renewal options which is a 2.5 year extension of the existing garbage and recycling hauler, Peoria Disposal Company. An option for a 3.5 year extension was turned down. That extension would have added one additional recycling pick-up per month and added $1.85 to each household monthly garbage fee, but no performance requirements or other means to increase recycling participation were included. City Council discussed the need to review the contract, as it is the largest and most expensive contract for the city. Peoria NAACP requested that a minority hiring provision be included. Heart of Illinois Sierra supports that provision and adding components for public education and promotion for recycling, greatly increased reporting and transparency regarding city recyclables, and having the option of separating the recycling from the garbage contract.
Special thanks to all HOI members who took the time to attend one of the city public comment meetings or sent in letters or comments on this issue!