Ask the City of Peoria for Better Recycling!

July 2016

RecyclablesThe City of Peoria held special meetings for public comment on July 13th. You can still send in your comments.

The Peoria Refuse Collection Contract includes our recycling pick-up scheduling with the once-a-month pick-up, limitation of only the largest recycling toters, the required $50 per toter fee before you can have curbside recycling pick-up and other  items that need to be discussed. This is the largest city contract costing over $6 million a year and another question relates to concerns for having a minority hiring requirement.  

Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club thinks our city needs better recycling services and we want a performance based contract with clearly defined deliverables for the waste pick-up and for recycling!

  • have twice a month recycling pick-up
  • more feed-back with greater transparency on amounts of recyclables picked up and vastly improved promotion of program
  • options for smaller sized toters for people living alone, elderly, small garages, etc.

Would Peoria get better services if the recycling pick-up was a separate contract from the refuse collection contract? Should the City put these contracts out on competitive bid? This contract was approved in 2010 and the City Council is considering a two-year extension option.

If you have questions or think Peoria deserves better services, please send your questions or comments to