Peoria Juneteenth Celebration Tabling Brings Smiles!

June 2023
Juneteenth tabling at Carver Center in Peoria
HOI Group members (left to right) Alisha Granderson, Bob Jorgensen, and Diane Jorgensen at the Juneteenth Celebration at Peoria Carver Center on June 17th.  Photo: Joyce Blumenshine

By Joyce Blumenshine

It was a beautiful summer day for the 2023 Peoria Carver Center Juneteenth celebration. HOI distributed pollinator friendly flower seeds and had a lot of good information on how to help the precious butterflies, moths, bees, and other important critters. Thanks to new HOI Board member Robert Rowe, the panel you see on Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in the photo made explaining HOI concerns much easier. False solutions issues with CCS and the overwhelming safety, public health, farmland, many other issues with CO2 pipelines all need to be shared.

Thanks to HOI Board members Alisha Granderson, HOI Chair Bob Jorgensen, and Treasurer Diane Jorgensen, for their hours dedicated to making this outreach possible! If you are interested in helping at summer tabling, please contact Bob Jorgensen at