July 2017
The Peoria City Council voted in June to extend the Riverfront Park contract due diligence for another six months.
Only two votes continued kicking the proverbial can down the road that is the City plan to sell the north end of Riverfront Park and build a new public street serving as a driveway that dead-ends at the apartments from the busy RiverPlex parking lot north end. Thanks go to the courageous votes of four Peoria City Council members: Beth Akeson, Beth Jensen, Chuck Grayeb and Jim Montelongo, who voted no on the extension. Voting for the extension were Mayor Ardis and Tim Riggenbach, Dennis Cyr, Sid Ruckriegel, Denise Moore and Zach Oyler.
Councilman Oyler campaigned on his opposition to selling the park land and described himself as a “servant leader” for citizens. Once on the Council, he seems to have switched lock, stock, and barrel to the Mayor’s side of the issue and he read a prepared statement that blamed citizens and gave a range of other reasons he is now for the development. In outreach to neighborhoods before the vote, volunteers walked to 231 houses and had 41 conversations with residents about the importance of saving the park. Thanks to all who helped and to all who continue to work to Save Riverfront Park.