September 2021 |
By David Pittman
Donovan Park in North Peoria is 140 acres of open green space that serves as a neighborhood park, cross country track competition, observatory night sky public viewing and natural area.
Unfortunately, the Peoria Park District has verbally approved the concept of a privately owned and operated Arts Entertainment Centre. This 18 acre project would seat 1500 people and include a large parking lot. The PPD staff is now negotiating a business contract for eventual Park Board discussion and possible approval.
In addition to the permanent loss of open green space, this project harms night viewing from the observatory and directly competes with the private entertainment sector. If it is built and the business effort fails, the Park District will be forced to maintain the building and property. Donovan Park‘s long term management plan calls for low impact multiple use and natural area restoration, not large commercial development.
Please help us stop this project. Contact the Peoria Park Board members and Director Emily Cahill and tell them you want the Peoria Park Board to stop this project. You can use either email or written letter or phone calls, whatever you choose. You Will Make a Difference if you add your voice and share your opinion with them.
The Donovan park Arts Pavillion is a BAD IDEA because:
The targeted 18 acres of the Southeast corner of Donovan Park contains planted natural areas, cross country paths and wildlife. Once destroyed the area will remain as building or parking lot, never to be restored. The developer has made no offer to replace the 18 acres with a high quality natural area addition to the Park District.
The proposed project will harm the night sky viewing of the observatory. The construction will be directly in front of the observatory view of the ecliptic, that portion of the sky that contains the path of the Moon and planets. Heat from the large parking lot and building lighting will damage the night sky viewing. The Peoria Astronomical Society is on record opposing the project. Other locations in Peoria would not have this problem. War Memorial Stadium or the Expo Gardens are better fits for this project and do not damage public open green space.
The entertainment business in Peoria has multiple new venues under construction, one of them the same size as this proposed development. The public sector should not directly compete with the private sector unless there is something unique about the partnership. The project may or may not bring in revenue to the Park District but that should be from direct competition with the private sector.
The City of Peoria Civic Center is a 100% publicly owned entertainment center with some concerts like the ones proposed for Donovan Pavillion. Reduced Civic Center revenue will require increased city of Peoriapublic tax support. Why should the PPD directly compete with the Peoria Civic Center? Does Peoria entertainment really need another $30 ticket venue like this project?
If the project is built and the business should fail, the Park District will be left with maintenance of a large facility that was never approved by Park District citizens. The marketing analysis of the Peoria area may not justify multiple entertainment additions of this size with expensive ticket fees. It will be difficult to trust financial guarantees for operational success five or ten years into the future. The venture is too risky, with the Park District at risk to be left holding the bag.
The Park District citizens and Park Board have approved a management plan for Donovan Park that emphasizes large natural areas, neighborhood recreation and small scale efforts such as Cyds in the Park restaurant. Large commercial development was not intended for Donovan nor has it been approved by the citizens.
Revenue is a primary driver of the proposed project. After expenses, some portion of the profits would be given to the Park District. The exact amount is unknown and depends on a successful business. Failure will cost the Park District in increased maintenance fees and lost open green space. The primary mission of the Park District should be to provide diverse, high quality recreational opportunity within a balanced budget. The Park District is not simply a business, it is something more.