January 2022 |
By Joyce Blumenshine
On December 23rd, the Illinois Coalition for Clean Air and Water (ICCAW), announced they received a much-welcomed notification from the U.S. Region 5 Environmental Protection Agency. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) loan for a large swine CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) in Mason County was terminated as the applicant had withdrawn their application. Thanks go to ICCAW, Mason County residents, and others who have worked so hard to make issues with this project public.
The group Mason County Concerned Citizens was very active in opposing the CAFO. It is a growing coalition of farmers and residents calling for more effective regulations on industrial animal feeding operations. The proposed 2,480 head CAFO drew a lot of opposition from residents of Peterville, whose water supply would be at clear risk. Other area residents who rely on shallow wells also opposed the project. The hog confinement was to be located over a very shallow area of the Mahomet Aquifer in Mason County, where sandy soils give any pollutants connection to unconfined portions of this major freshwater resource.
Thanks to all HOI volunteers to sent in comments, phoned, or helped in any way. ICCAW is a Socially Responsible Agriculture Project, headed by Karen Hudson in Illinois. Our thanks to ICCAW and area citizens for their extensive efforts. It is hoped this project will not proceed.