July 2018
Counties in the Heart of Illinois Group area are seeing a great deal of interest in solar projects. You can help by attending local county zoning hearings and making a public comment on your support for solar energy. Help by countering solar misinformation that is being promoted in rural areas. For good resources on solar facts review the information at the Illinois Solar Energy Association website for:
Remember that solar panels work well in cold weather and even produce a significant amount of energy in clouded conditions. Clean energy projects have shown repeatedly that they do not reduce property values. Solar farms, which are larger scale solar installations covering 10 to 15 acres or so, can help local areas by providing much needed taxes and reliable payments to property owners. Solar helps reduce demand on the electric grid, especially in peak use times during the hottest summer days. Pollinator friendly plantings under larger solar ground installations help encourage bees and butterflies. These projects do not add to rain run-off. In large part, solar panels can be recycled after they operate for 25 years or more, and many operate beyond 30 years. Share your enthusiasm for solar energy with your friends and neighbors. Watch for opportunities to solarize your home or sign up for community solar in your area.