May 2024 |
Contact Your State Legislators!
By Joyce Blumenshine
Please phone your state representative and senator to support our major state legislative efforts for this session. This session is scheduled to end May 24th and time is of the essence! You can look up your state legislators by typing in your address at the Illinois State Board of Elections website. Find their local and state Capitol offices phone number and address information on the Illinois State General Assembly website. Check your Legislator’s website for an email or comment online opportunity.
We need your help to urge your legislators to support the following, and a more detailed listing of legislation for the session is on the Illinois Environmental Council website.
Ask your legislators to support Senate Bill, SB 0771, the Wetlands Protection Act, which will provide comprehensive state protections to fill the gap left by the elimination of regulations at the federal level. Take a moment to fill out this quick support petition.
Ask your state representative and state senator to support House Bill HB4835 / Senate Bill SB3441, a temporary moratorium on CO2 pipelines. These bills prohibit the construction of CO2 pipelines until federal regulation updates are completed and the state does a study to determine safe setbacks from the pipelines; or the state legislature passes a comprehensive carbon capture and sequestration (includes pipelines) bill to protect public health, safety and aquifers; or four years have passed.
Ask your legislators to support this comprehensive, essential legislation to establish much needed protections for land and water and public health concerns from carbon dioxide deep well injection and pipelines, and to place liability on the companies and not on the state or property owners.
Ask your legislators to support this legislation which will reduce and save energy and help clean up air quality in homes and buildings.
Ask your legislators to support this nation-leading comprehensive transportation and jobs legislation.