Illinois Pollution Control Board Hearing January 29th

January 2019

Edwards Power Plant
Edwards Power Plant, Nov. 11, 2014

HOI Members and Friends of Clean Air ALERT!

If you value breathing clean air you are needed! Please plan to attend the Public Comment Hearing, Tuesday, January 29th, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Illinois Pollution Control Board, Sangamo Room, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 1021 N. Grand Ave. East, Springfield, for our chance to give comments on the revisions proposed to air pollution regulations that control Dynegy/Vistra coal-fired power plants in Illinois, including the Edwards plant near Peoria, the Duck Creek Plant near Canton, among others.

We will rally outside beginning at 4:30 p.m. in solidarity with others from downstate who have impacts from Dynegy/Vistra coal plant pollution. Don’t worry, help is on the way. An issues briefing will be held in Peoria. Contact Ryan Hidden for more information.

At the January 29th hearing we need to thank the Illinois Pollution Control Board for denying the Dynegy/Vistra request for expedited review of the permit changes. We need to make the case that the revisions to the Multi Pollutant Standard for these power plants will not protect those of us who live in proximity to dirty coal plants like Edwards. Dynegy-Vistra operates many coal plants in Illinois. This very rich Texas energy company has been looking for a state bailout while also asking the Illinois Pollution Control Board to rewrite and ease their air pollution rules. These regulations are supposed to control the amounts of particulates and other pollutants these power plants dump into the air. The fact that there is a public hearing in 2019 is significant. This is our chance to make clear how air pollution affects us all.  For Springfield ride information contact Joyce Blumenshine at