March 2018
Please phone your state Representative and Senator, or send some emails to let them know your support for the following bills:
- House Bill 2958 and Senate Bill 237 which allow for local control of sale and use of toxic sealants. The concerns is coal tar and some other sealants used on paved surfaces have high levels of pollutants that are endocrine disruptors and are highly damaging to infants and small children. The substances are significant threats to human health and aquatic life, and are known as PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
- New bills include House Bill 5044 and Senate Bill 3080 which will require that municipalities and private water utilities replace all lead service lines within 10 years, with a focus on high-priority areas of environmental justice concern.
- House Bill 5119 and Senate Bill 3005 will correct a long-standing problem that keeps citizens from having their day in court to protect their health, property, and other interests. Government agencies have not been accountable to the public because agencies like the Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources do not have specific provisions that allow for citizen appeals of certain permits they issue.
- House Bill 5564 is new and will protect property rights for Illinois landowners faced with pipeline company attempts to take their land for gas or oil pipelines through ‘quick-take’ procedures and eminent domain.