May 2023 |
Phone Your State Senator and Representative ASAP!
Support Illinois House Bill 3119!
By Joyce Blumenshine
Your call could make the difference! Please phone today! Your call will support responsible legislation to enact critically needed safe-guards for high-pressure carbon dioxide pipelines and the massive build-out of Carbon Capture and Sequestration targeting Illinois. HB3119 is the ONLY bill that protects our communities and our water resources.
Illinois House Bill 3119 will require companies to be financially responsible and not shift problems with carbon sequestration to the state and all of us taxpayers. Our state is woefully unprepared and unprotected from the rush on now to build CO2 pipelines and sequestration sites.
There are many reasons to support this bill: it has required setbacks to protect people; prohibits eminent domain; ensures property owners rights to below their land and that they are not forced to lease their deep underground ‘pore space’ to CO2 injection companies; and it creates sensible protections at all steps in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration industrial cycle so that companies are held accountable for any added pollution. For more information, see the CO2 Pipelines and CCS Fact Sheet.
All of our voices can make the difference to push this legislation to passage!
Look up your state Senator and Representative and find their Springfield office phone number on the web. For help in finding your state legislators and phone numbers, or more information call Joyce at 309-678-1011.