October 2019 |
ACTION ALERT! Phone Your State Senator and Representative Now.
Please phone your Illinois State Senator and Representative (see listings below) and let them know you are in strong support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, Senate Bill 2132 and House Bill 3624. Thank Senator Dave Koehler for his support and hard work for this legislation. The Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) will promote wind and solar energy to power more than four million homes and lower electric rates. It expands access to clean energy job training and includes transition support for communities and workers who are impacted by the decline of fossil fuels. CEJA has new provisions focused on reducing congestion and pollution from transportation, which is now the largest source of carbon emissions for our state. Check out the Citizens Utility Board website for more information about CEJA.
Phone Numbers:
- Thank Senator Dave Koehler for his support and efforts on CEJA at 309-677-0120.
- Phone Senator Chuck Weaver to urge his support at 309-693-4921.
- Phone Representatives Jehan Gordon-Booth 309-681-1992 and Mike Unes 309 620-8631 to urge their support.
- To find your State Senator and Representative, go to Find Your Legislators.