Get Out and Exercise to Show Sierra Votes!

August 2024
hands in air

By Joyce Blumenshine

HOI Group volunteers will be joining with others to help with door-to-door outreach including door hangers and other candidate information. We will participate in scheduled walk days/times for our Sierra endorsed candidates. These times will be on various Saturdays or Sundays after Labor Day and through the first weekend of November. We can also help you find phone banking opportunities for our endorsed candidates. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Joyce Blumenshine, 309-678-1011. Most shifts are 2-3 ½ hours long, but can be adjusted for your preference for which part of the day.

Check out some of these scheduled volunteer days:

Sept. 21 - Walk for Illinois House 76th District Candidate Murri Briel

Sept. 23 - Help Send Postcards for Sierra Endorsed Candidates

Oct. 7 - Help Send Postcards for Sierra Endorsed Candidates