Free Milkweed Seeds Available to Help Save the Monarchs

April 2021
Monarch on common milkweed
Monarch butterfly on swamp milkweed

By Joyce Blumenshine

The HOI Monarchs Team, Bob Jorgensen and Dave Grebner, have been busy getting milkweed seed distributed to locations for you to pick up for planting now! Remember that monarch butterflies must have milkweed to survive. Please make a goal this spring to plant milkweed seeds in your flowerbed, porch planter pot, or sunny spot in your yard. Monarch populations in the midwest are crashing and our state butterfly needs all of us to help!

Forest Park Nature Center, Fondulac Public Library in East Peoria, and the Global Village Store in Peoria Heights are seed packet locations. Contact Bob Jorgensen at to join this new HOI Group effort.