September 2023 |
Take Action Now!
By Joyce Blumenshine
You can take an important step to help in the on-going efforts to stop the hazardous, high-pressure carbon dioxide pipeline cutting across Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club, by posting a comment to the Illinois Commerce Commission Public Comment link at their website for Case 23-0475. This is the current permit application by Wolf Carbon Solutions US LLC for state approval to build and operate a CO2 pipeline across about 160 miles of Illinois. It just takes minutes to do:
- Go to the Illinois Commerce Commission website page for E-Docket case 23-0475.
- Click on the words ‘Public Comments’ in the blue box on the right side of the page.
- Click on the ‘File a Comment’ tab at the top of the next page.
- Type in, or copy and paste in your comment on your concerns for hazardous, high-pressure carbon dioxide pipelines cutting across our prime farmland, through residential areas like South Pekin, and near small towns like West Jersey, Laura, Brimfield, Hanna City, and others. Point out that the parent company of Wolf Carbon Solutions US LLC is a foreign-owned Canadian company and that no eminent domain should be allowed for foreign-backed interests. Add your concerns for the risks of a CO2 pipeline rupture, which could mean a cloud of CO2 traveling with the wind and settling in low places in rural areas where volunteer fire departments and emergency responders do not have adequate equipment, training, or resources. Raise the question of damages to prime farmland from the compaction and soil disturbance of pipeline construction and burial. More information is available from the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines with videos on CO2 farmland impacts, pipeline economics, safety concerns, and many other aspects.
Thank you! Your comment will help! Please post a short statement of concern regularly! We need your help to reach 1000 comments! For more information contact Joyce at 309-678-1011.