July 2021 |
Action Needed Now!
By Joyce Blumenshine
A large, 2480 hog Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) is being planned in the sandy reaches of western Mason County, between Havana and Kilbourne. The Mahomet Aquifer underlies this area and is unconfined, meaning the aquifer is not far below the surface and is overlain by soils that easily and quickly allow surface water to reach the aquifer.
This CAFO is requesting federal funding which must be approved by the Springfield Office of the Farm Service Administration (FSA). An Environmental Assessment
must be done by the FSA and public comments can be made. Please send your comments of concern that the proposed Fanter Farms swine project puts the Mahomet Aquifer at clear and present danger. Run-off from hog farms includes hog waste containing antibiotics and contaminants. Run-off can also occur from hog compost piles where dead animals are placed for disposal. This area is thought to have threatened and endangered state animals and plants and frequently floods due to the high water table.
Request that this project have a full biological and site area ground assessment to evaluate the long-term impacts. Ask that this project be denied due to the clear risks of Mahomet Aquifer contamination. Send your comments Now to:
Mr. John Gehrke,
Chief, Farm Loan Programs, Farm Service Administration
Email: john.gehrke@usda.gov
FAX: 855-800-1760
Contact HOI Conservation Co-Chair Joyce Blumenshine at 309-678-1011 for more information.